
If you are in need of an emergency response, call us at 315-469-8414. If it is after hours, or we are currently busy on other calls, make sure to leave a voicemail. We will respond as soon as possible.

Standard Support

Contact us by message, and we will reply by email. If you have a general support question, be sure to review the FAQs section which may provide the answer you are looking for.

If Your Site is Down

There are a number of reasons why your site may not be functioning properly. It can be caused by any number of things, so make sure you check the following:

  • Try from another device: If you have a smartphone, turn off Wi-Fi and try visiting your website from a different connection. If it works on that device, your IP address may have been blocked for too many failed login attempts. Contact us to have your IP address unblocked.
  • Check our Twitter feed: If there is a DDOS attack on the server your account is stored, it may degrade service to the point of your site not responding in time.
  • Try to access cPanel: If you can access cPanel, the server is still up. There may have been an issue with the code of your website causing it to fail. Check the "Error Log" to see if anything there helps identify the source of the problem.